Does Unemployment Increase the Risk of Divorce?
It is common that financial issues have an effect on marriage and, consequently, there is a connection between divorce and the economy. While the recession has been improving, unemployment is still an issue, and according to a study by Ohio State University examining the correlation between employment status and marital satisfaction, unemployment is a factor in marriage and divorce.
According to an article in The Huffington Post, the study revealed that when men were unemployed, it increased the risk that either the man or his wife would end the marriage. The study, along with the information gathered at Divorced Guys, determined that there are three main reasons why lay-offs tend to lead to divorce:
- Increased negative emotions. Not having a job can lead to financial insecurity and uncertainty of what your living conditions will be. Even just the fear of these things can create stress between a couple.
- Amplification of marital dissatisfaction. If a couple is already unhappy in the marriage, job loss will be just one more thing to add to the list of marriage problems and will bring attention to everything else.
- Breakage of societal norms. If one spouse has always been the “bread-winner” or the one taking care of the family day-to-day and a lay-off takes away the distinction of roles, this can create emotional stress and increased fighting over control over the situation.
While unemployment may just be a minor bump in the road for a happily married couple, it can make dissatisfied married couples even more unhappy, in which case unemployment may have just sped up the inevitable decision to divorce.
Regardless of the reason, if you think divorce is necessary for your future happiness and that of your family, we can help. To discuss your divorce options, call the family law attorneys at Nottage and Ward today at (312) 332-2915 for a consultation.
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