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Sponsors of Illinois Same Sex-Marriage Bill Apologize to Same-Sex Families
Leading sponsors of the Illinois same-sex marriage bill that failed to be considered for a vote in the past legislative session of the Illinois House of Representatives formally apologized to same-sex families and others who supported the legislation. As reported on June 17, 2013, by, the apology was extended to families who had traveled to Springfield as the session was coming to a close and were anticipating an historic vote. The apology included a pledge to same-sex families that the fight is not over until there is equality for all families in the state. According to the statement, marriage equality will happen.
The statement of apology was signed by 16 lawmakers including the bill’s sponsor, Representative Greg Harris. Harris’ leadership has been under scrutiny ever since the Illinois House of Representatives failed to take up the same-sex marriage bill before the adjournment of the 2013 spring session. Harris had previously promised to call the measure to a vote and then failed to do so. Harris has blamed the lack of a vote on colleagues who wanted additional time to meet with constituents to discuss the issue.
Illinois Same-Sex Marriage Push Joined by Obama Issue Group
The push for gay marriage is being joined by Organizing for Action (OFA) according to an announcement made March 19, 2013. As reported by The Chicago Tribune, the organization, which is an offshoot of President Obama’s re-election campaign, has decided to become involved in Illinois state issues.
OFA has a broad base along with the skill and technology to network that base. OFA says what the group hears from Illinois voters are that the same-sex marriage issue really matters to them. That’s why they are adding their voices to the fight. That’s what the organization’s national director of issue campaigns, Lindsay Siler, told supporters in an e-mail.
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Leslie has been the strongest representation I could ask for in a very complicated, emotional matter. She has continuously looked out for my best interest and the best interest of my son. She is always prompt in getting back to me and in keeping me well informed about my case.
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